Chocolate Cherry Muffin

Chocolate Cherry Muffin

Chocolate Cherry Muffin


125 g of flour
100 g of almond meal
1 teasepoon of baking powder
75 g of brown sugar
a pinch of salt
1 egg 10 cl of milk
20 g of butter
100 g of dark chocolate
250 g of cherries
10 g of butter for the ramekin


Pre-heat the oven at 210° celsius and butter the ramekin. In a bowl put the flour, baking powder with the almond meal, salt and sugar. Then add the egg, the melted butter and the milk. Mix well until it becomes homogenous. Fold in the melted chocolate and mix well. Pour the mixture in the ramekin (about 4-6 depending on the size). Put the cherries on the ramekin and bake for about 20-25 minutes.

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